Would you like to present at the 2018 CCTM Annual Conference? If so, you need to submit a proposal! The submission deadline is Sunday, April 15, so don't delay!
Are you thinking, "Hmm...I have an idea, but I'm not really an expert. I won't bother submitting a proposal." Stop! We're not expecting everyone to be an expert! Teachers come to the conference to share ideas, compare experiences, and learn from others. Do any of these sound like you?
- You have a creative or novel idea about dealing with homework and grading.
- You developed a series of strong lessons that use ratio tables that other teachers like to borrow.
- You are the faculty sponsor for your school's math club and you have some activities to share.
- You wrote a paper for your master's program that included some interesting research findings.
- After 8 years of teaching you've finally figured out how to help students understand why negative numbers multiplied by negative numbers are positive, and you're so excited about it you want to show a room full of strangers.
If you have an idea like these, please submit a proposal! You only need a session title, a 2-5 sentence description, and to check a few boxes on our proposal form. If selected, you will receive a discounted conference registration rate. Again, proposals must be submitted by Sunday, April 15!