2019 CCTM Annual Conference -- Afternoon Program
Below are the sessions scheduled for the afternoon of Tuesday, July 30. Be sure to also see the morning program.
Session 3: 12:45-1:45
So You Think You Know the SMPs?
Standards are only standardized to the extent to which we agree on what they mean. Do you think of the Standards for Mathematical Practice in the same way as other teachers? In this session, participants will align Algebra 1 tasks to the SMPs and see, in real-time, personalized measures of consensus that can guide them towards a common understanding of the practices. This data can be used to target your professional development and help you choose tasks that are likely to engage students in the SMPs.
Raymond Johnson
Colorado Department of Education
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 151
Burst: Math Share
***Burst session from 1:15 to 1:45***
Currently, online math editors allow students to submit answers, but don’t give any means for students to show their work. This makes it difficult to track students’ actual understanding of the problems, and can lead to frustration and decreased student confidence in their overall math abilities. Mathshare is a free, open-source learning tool that students can use to show their work in an accessible format. Mathshare focuses on working step-by-step through math equations, and is designed to be inclusive of all students, including those who have learning disabilities, motor difficulties, and those who are blind or have low vision. In this session, attendees will learn how they can leverage online platforms like Mathshare to engage their students and create a more inclusive classroom environment.
Alex Cabral
Researcher at Benetech
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 333 (changed from 186)
The Nation’s Report Card is for Teachers
The Nation’s Report Card, also known as the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), doesn’t have results for individual schools and students but the country’s leading assessment can be a great resource for teachers. In this session, we will explore actual NAEP test questions and data NAEP gathers from students, teachers, and schools about factors inside and outside the classroom that relate to learning. This information sheds important light on teaching and can provide insight and ideas on what teachers can do in their classrooms. Additionally see how Colorado has progressed in NAEP mathematics and what implications the results can have for math instruction and learning.
Mark Miller
Cheyenne Mountain School District
Grades 3-12
Sturm Hall 335 (changed from 187)
Burst: Elicit and Use Student Thinking with TI Tools
***Burst session from 1:15 to 1:45***
Want to see student thinking in ways that help you adjust instruction? Want to have discourse to help convince a skeptic or clear misconceptions? Come learn about low-tech to high-tech tools and questioning strategies that can help elicit and use student thinking effectively.
Sherrina Clark
Kern HS, Bakersfield, CA
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 233
The One Thing Every Math Teacher Should Know
In this session, participants will learn how to use aspects of Cognitive Load Theory and how, when paired with multi-tiered assessment, it can be used to find the zone of proximal development for any learner. We will describe a model of application currently being used in a high school classroom. After a brief presentation, participants will practice what they've learned. They will break down common math concepts determining elements of knowledge and discuss how to integrate this information into instructional design.
Curtis Turner
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Access & Equity
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 234
Common Core: Best Practice in Contextualized/Integrated Curriculum
Innovative CTE & math teachers team teach mathematics courses taught through relevant project-based CTE curriculum. AMPED on Algebra & Geometry in Construction are fully developed courses taught in multiple schools throughout the country. More than simulations, we strive for student mastery and narrowing of the achievement gap.
Scott Burke
Jefferson County Public Schools
Suzanne Sundbye
Jefferson County Public Schools
Access & Equity
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 251
Enhancing Number Talks with Technology Tools
Building a solid foundation of number sense and fact fluency using number talks helps students take ownership of their mathematical understanding. Number talks are also beneficial when used alongside inquiry-based learning tools, like simulations. Discover how online simulations can support and enhance number talks and help students understand mathematical concepts.
Patti Low
Klein ISD
Teaching & Learning
Grades 3-8
Sturm Hall 254
Minds On Math Workshop
How can we support students' perseverance and problem solving? Learn to leverage thinking strategies and workshop model instruction to support learners' independence and success as mathematicians!
Wendy Ward Hoffer
Teaching & Learning
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 275
Using Student Self-Assessment to Increase Mastery for All Learners
This session will demonstrate how to incorporate self-assessment strategies throughout a sample unit in order to engage students in tracking their progress. These strategies help students track mastery of standards and objectives, with opportunities for both formative and summative assessment at the lesson and unit levels. Giving students tools to track progress motivates self-directed learning as students choose to pursue additional help or practice in the targeted areas that need additional work before mastery. Participants will explore several self-assessment strategy types and brainstorm ways to use them effectively in their own classrooms or departments.
Lizzy Skousen
Illustrative Mathematics
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 287
Facilitate Classroom Conversations Using Desmos Activity Builder
Experience a Desmos activity through a student lens and learn how to use the teacher dashboard and classroom conversation toolkit to facilitate individual and collaborative student thinking. Participants will learn how the Desmos Activity Builder can help you implement dynamic lessons and use pre-built activities from Desmos itself and its user community. Bring a tablet or laptop to maximize your participation.
Lisa Bejarano
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 310
Teacher Gems – Collaborative Activities the Increase Engagement
Are you looking for more engaging partner and group work structures to use in your middle school or high school math class? Attend this session to experience 3 “teacher gems” which can be used with any secondary content. These gems are engaging teacher-led activities that promote peer-to-peer mathematical conversation among mixed-ability partner sets and small groups.
Juliana Tapper
EdGems Math
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 311
Bridging the STEM Acronym: Seamless Integration of Math and Science
When students collect and analyze their own data, they are WAY more likely to take an interest in the data. Come to this 100% hands-on session to and experience the engagement, the interactivity, and the fun that comes with data collection!
Jeff Lukens
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 312
Number Sense: A Simple Tool That Uncovers It
How learners place five non-consecutive whole numbers (between 0 and 20) on an empty number line reveals their sense of number relationships. Learn the two concepts of number sense that many learners beyond primary grades still lack. Learn to use and interpret the Number Line Assessment, a research-based tool that takes 5 minutes to administer, that reveals whether learners have these concepts and that will tell you where to begin math instruction with each learner.
Dorothea Steinke
NumberWorks LLC
Grades 3-12
Sturm Hall 380
Design Thinking in the Elementary Room
This interactive session will allow participants to see the value of Design Thinking in the elementary math classroom. It will highlight the steps of the Design Thinking process and will give teachers explicit examples of how students can use their Maker Spaces (or just classroom materials) to build something to enhance their conceptual understanding of mathematics.
Jaime Levi
Summit School District
Teaching & Learning
Grades K-5
Sturm Hall 410
Quality Resources: The Key to Capturing A Love for Mathematics Early On
Gather new resources to leverage your kindergarten students’ natural curiosity about numbers and shapes. The resources will address counting, cardinality and structuring number.
Sheila Messmer
Teaching & Learning
Sturm Hall 412
Engaging Students Through Voice, Language and Content: Reality Pedagogy in Math
What does it look like to truly engage & empower all of our diverse learners in the classroom? In this session we will examine video, experience, and research to define a Reality Pedagogy, and learn strategies to enact it. Strategies include specific ways to elicit and use student voices, languages, & community contexts in mathematics teaching & learning.
Ally Lewis
Aurora Public Schools
Access & Equity
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 435
X’s and Why’s: Writing in Mathematics
What does writing look like in the mathematics classroom? What types of writing could we include and how do we incorporate it on a regular basis? From one sentence justifications to creative writing, this session looks at the implementation of writing into the secondary math classroom.
Aurora Simoneau
Denver Public Schools
Joe Bolz
Denver Public Schools
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 453
Session 4: 2:00-3:00
What to Look for in the 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
Schools are expected to implement the revised Colorado Academic Standards in mathematics by the 2020-2021 school year. Are you ready? In this session, participants will get an overview of the standards, understand the areas with the most significant revisions, and be guided through the multiple phases of implementation materials available from CDE.
Raymond Johnson
Colorado Department of Education
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 151
Mathematical Modeling Investigations (MMI) in Your Classroom
We will investigate two traditional math modeling problems (the flight of a model rocket & riding on a Ferris wheel) by posing a variety of non-traditional questions. Participants will learn the connections that these two problems have to Differential Calculus using mathematical procedures appropriate for 8th grade math, Algebra 1, and Algebra 2 classes.
Terry Walsh
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 333 (changed from 186)
Share Your Practice: Write for the Colorado Math Teacher Journal
We participate in the practice of growing others’ math reasoning. Let’s share our practice in writing. Heather Johnson, editor of CCTM’s online Colorado Math Teacher journal, will help participants turn their practice into written products. Bring ideas, and leave with an article outline.
Heather Johnson
University of Colorado Denver
Teaching & Learning
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 335 (changed from 187)
Navigating Unfinished Learning Through Rigorous Tasks
In every classroom we have students with "unfinished learning" and, at the same time, we want each and every student to engage in rigorous, grade-level tasks. The challenge, then, is how to use rigorous, grade-level tasks to support each and every students' engagement despite "unfinished learning." We'll engage in a rigorous task and discuss how to use the task to support "unfinished learning" and then consider the potential of tasks at other grade levels to accomplish the same.
Cathy Martin
Denver Public Schools
Teaching & Learning
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 233
Hills to Die On
We all have too much to teach, but how do you choose your hill to die on? We'll discuss a practical process for prioritizing standards based curriculum in your K-8 math classroom. The process has been proven to increase student scores on state assessments. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to share strategies that have worked for them as well as discuss implementation ideas!
Josie Smith
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Curtis Turner
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Grades K-8
Sturm Hall 234
Hands-On Classroom-Ready Activities for Geometry and Algebra 1
This revolutionary model improves math instruction through “real world” CTE situations/activities. Participants will engage in lessons from two contextual learning programs. Data backed outcomes of this instructional method include increased student engagement, enthusiasm, and enrollment into higher levels of STEM disciplines.
Suzanne Sundbye
Jefferson County Public Schools
Scott Burke
Jefferson County Public Schools
Access & Equity
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 251
Making Mentors: Strengthening Mentor/Mentee Relationships in K-12 Math
In this session we will discuss a research-based model of effective mentoring and describe how this framework can be leveraged to support mentor/mentee relationships in mathematics at all grade levels. Factors of effective mentoring to be discussed include a mentor’s: (1) personal attributes, (2) knowledge of system requirements, (3) pedagogical knowledge, (4) modeling, and (5) feedback. Scenarios and other resources “based on true stories” from K-12 math classrooms will be shared and discussed (e.g., mentoring an overwhelmed new math teacher), allowing attendees to engage in interactive conversations and leave with practical takeaways for improving mentoring relationships in their building. Opportunities for small group breakouts (e.g., K-6 or 7-12) will be provided to allow for more targeted grade band conversations and deeper dives into content, when applicable.
Pat McGuire
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 254
Fantastic Tasks: Where to Find Them
What makes a quality task? How can I structure lessons that promote inquiry, discourse, and academic safety? In this session, we will look at different task types and various examples so your classroom can be filled with mathematical joy and deep learning. You’ll also walk away with resources to help you find, deploy, and assess rich tasks.
Geoff Krall
New Tech Network
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 275
Edit and Create Your Own Desmos Activities
Come learn how to edit and create Desmos activities. While there are many Desmos activities available online through google searches, sometimes they just don’t match what we want to do with our students. We will begin by copying and editing a Desmos activity, then you will create a short activity that you can use next school year. Bring a tablet or laptop to maximize your participation.
Lisa Bejarano
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 310
Transformational Math Leadership 101
Are you a math department chair or math leader? Do you desire to lead your math team to transformational change for students, but haven’t gotten much training on effective educational leadership? Admin now commonly asks department chairs to act as instructional leaders at their sites and lead their math teams to change student outcomes, but often don’t provide the leadership tools necessary to accomplish this task. From trust building activities to consensus building tools to agenda outlines, when you attend this session you’ll walk away with resources you can use immediately to inform your leadership planning throughout the year.
Juliana Tapper
CollaboratEd Consulting
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 311
Support Collaboration and Discourse in Mathematics with Interactive, Digital Tools
Come learn about a variety of digital tools to get your students interacting with each other and talking about math. In this session, we will review an array of tools that can support collaboration and productive mathematical interactions. Some tools are tried and true, others, hot off the press and at the cutting edge. We will end with workshop time where participants receive support as they use various platforms to create and modify activities aligned with their classrooms.
Jeffrey Bush
University of Colorado Boulder
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 312
Stand & Talks: A Class Routine for Increasing Mathematical Discourse
Stand & Talks are a game changer for increasing the mathematical discourse for every student, every day in your classroom. What is a Stand & Talk? How do you introduce this routine? What types of stand and talks are effective for increasing discourse? This session will model the routine and give practical ideas for all teachers to immediately implement this with their students to increase discourse of all students.
Sara VanDerWerf
Tools & Technology
Grades K-12
Sturm Hall 380
Tech Tools for Math Communication
My session will present math teachers with various tech tools that they can use in the classroom. I will present tools that allow students to talk about math and give peer feedback.
Tracy Peronard
Jefferson County Public Schools
Tools & Technology
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 410
Routines and Resources for the Kindergarten Classroom
Counting is a way to lay the foundation for our Base 10 System and operating with numbers. How many times do you hear in one school year, “These kids just don’t have number sense?” Come engage with other primary teachers and learn routines for supporting children’s understanding of number sense.
Felicia Casto
Mesa County School District 51
Teaching & Learning
Sturm Hall 412
Expanding Your Teaching Toolbox: Assigning Competence
What is mathematics, and what does it mean to be smart in math class? How can teachers help students feel mathematically smart? Students are motivated to learn when they feel that their ideas are valued, and in this session we will explore ideas to expand the tools teachers have to help students see their ideas as mathematically valuable. Come ready to do some math and look at students from a new perspective!
Dylan Kane
High Mountain Institute
Teaching & Learning
Grades 6-12
Sturm Hall 435
Closing Session: 3:15-4:00
Ignite Sessions, Door Prizes, and Closing Remarks
Sturm Hall - Davis Auditorium