Grants and Awards
CCTM encourages its members to apply for grants and awards. Some of those listed below are national awards, like PAEMST, and others are unique to Colorado, like the Mikkelson scholarship and the CCTM awards.
2017 CCTM Mathematics Teaching Awardees
CCTM Mathematics Teaching Award
The Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics recognizes teachers who display excellence in teaching mathematics. CCTM will choose up to one elementary (K-6) and up to one secondary (6-12) teacher from each CCTM region in Colorado to honor at their annual conference held each Fall. The teacher nominee should:
Understand mathematics and its role in the curriculum and society;
Communicate mathematics effectively using a variety of methods and materials to address the Colorado Academic Standards and Standards for Mathematical Practice;
Stimulate a love and excitement for learning mathematics through his or her own personal enthusiasm for learning;
Demonstrate a commitment to the improvement of math education beyond the classroom by sharing information with parents and colleagues;
Display a personal commitment to professional growth by keeping current with new developments in education, attending conferences and workshops, reading professional journals, and maintaining membership in professional organizations.
The nomination window is typically open from January to March. To be nominated, a teacher must (a) teach in the region from which they are nominated at the time of the nomination; (b) have taught students at least half-time for three years or more; and (c) have not previously received the CCTM Mathematics Teaching Award. An elementary nominee may be teaching mathematics in addition to other subjects in grades K-6. A secondary nominee should be in a middle school or high school, teaching grades 6-12, and teaching mathematics 50% of the time or more.
Applications will be emailed to nominees by the end of March. Applicants will be asked to submit information about themselves, including two letters of recommendation, one of which you may want to offer to write. Nominees must return their applications by May 15. Awardees receive a plaque, $200, a one-year CCTM membership, and complimentary registration to that year's CCTM Annual Conference.
To nominate a teacher for the CCTM Mathematics Teaching Award, click here.
2017 CCTM Mathematics Leadership Awardees
CCTM Mathematics Leadership Award
The Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics honors individuals who contribute to mathematics education but do not have full-time classroom responsibilities. Examples of individuals to be considered for this award are mathematics coaches, coordinators, administrators, or higher education personnel who are dedicated to improving mathematics learning in school districts.
The nominee should possess the following qualifications:
Improve mathematics learning for students through their work with mathematics educators in Colorado by
Implementing research-based best practices in mathematics instruction
Educating and stimulating others to improve their teaching and learning of mathematics
Developing positive, trusting relationships with colleagues
Advocate for mathematics by
Committing and supporting the advancement of mathematics education in a variety of venues beyond the requirements of their current position
Model commitment to being a life-long learner in the field of mathematics
Demonstrate professional growth by
Keeping current with new developments in education through attendance at conferences and workshops
Maintaining membership in professional organizations which advance the learning and teaching of mathematics.
The nomination window is typically open from January to March. To be nominated, a mathematics leader must (a) serve in a school in the region from which they are nominated at the time of the nomination and (b) have not previously received the CCTM Mathematics Teaching Award.
Applications will be emailed to nominees by the end of March. The application includes a 1-2 page resume, two letters of recommendation, and an essay describing the impact of their mathematics leadership work as outlined in the criteria of the award. Nominees must return their applications by May 15. Awardees receive a plaque, $200, a one-year CCTM membership, and complimentary registration to that year's CCTM Annual Conference.
To nominate a leader for the CCTM Mathematics Leadership Award, click here.
The Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST) are the highest honors bestowed by the United States government specifically for K-12 mathematics and science (including computer science) teaching. Established by Congress in 1983, the President may recognize up to 108 exemplary teachers each year.
Awards are given to mathematics and science (including computer science) teachers from each of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Department of Defense Education Activity schools, or the U.S. territories as a group (American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and U.S. Virgin Islands).
The award recognizes those teachers who develop and implement a high-quality instructional program that is informed by content knowledge and enhances student learning. Since the program's inception, more than 4,700 teachers have been recognized for their contributions in the classroom and to their profession.
Awardees serve as models for their colleagues, inspiration to their communities, and leaders in the improvement of STEM (including computer science) education. The National Science Foundation administers PAEMST on behalf of The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy.
Recipients of the award receive the following:
A certificate signed by the President of the United States.
A paid trip to Washington, D.C., to attend a series of recognition events and professional development opportunities.
A $10,000 award from the National Science Foundation.
An opportunity to build lasting partnerships with colleagues across the nation.
The deadline for PAEMST nominations is March 1 and the deadline for PAEMST applications is May 1. For more information, see
The Mikkelson Mathematics and Science Teachers Scholarship
The Mikkelson program aims to encourage and reward excellence in the teaching of mathematics and science by providing scholarships for teachers to attend short courses, seminars, and workshops that will improve their depth of knowledge of the subject(s) they teach and/or enhance their teaching skills and effectiveness. Money is available for attendance fees, materials, accommodations, and/or travel expenses. Many organizations offer programs of this type in the summer, but requests from teachers who would like to attend programs at other times of the year are also considered. The deadline for 2018 applications is March 23rd, however, if an applicant is applying for early consideration, please submit final applications by January 12th. The online application for this scholarship can be found by clicking here.
Mathematics Education Trust
The Mathematics Education Trust (MET), which is administered by a board appointed by NCTM's Board of Directors, provides grants, scholarships, and awards to help NCTM members improve classroom practices, develop professionally, and recognize the lifetime achievement of leaders in mathematics education. Awards to individuals or schools range from $1500 to $24,000 and cover costs such as:
Conferences, workshops, or seminars
Research and in-service training in mathematics
Classroom activities
Lessons and materials
Graduate courses or other mathematics coursework
Other teacher- or school-identified professional development activities
To explore and apply for MET's grants and awards, see the opportunities listed on the NCTM website. Deadlines for applications are usually the beginning of each May and November.