2019 CCTM Annual Conference Exhibitor Registration
You are invited to exhibit at the 2019 CCTM Annual Conference held July 29-30 in Sturm Hall at the University of Denver (DU) in Denver, Colorado. The CCTM Annual Conference draws mathematics teachers, supervisors, administrators, consultants, and teacher educators from Colorado as well as from neighboring states. We expect an attendance of 300 at this year’s conference.
The exhibit hall is an integral part of this conference, featuring products and services related to mathematics education as well as products and services of interest to teachers. Our attendees enjoy and benefit from spending time learning about the many products available and talking with the people who produce these products.
Exhibit Hall Hours: Tuesday, July 30 from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm
Exhibit Hall Move-In: Tuesday, July 30 from 6:00 am to 7:00 am
Exhibit Hall Move-Out: Tuesday, July 30 from 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm
To register, you need to download the Application and Contract for Exhibit Space and send your completed form, along with your payment, to us as soon as possible. Payment options include payment by check or payment by credit card below. Booths are sold on a first-come, first-served basis, so please let us know as soon as possible if you plan to exhibit.
As soon as we receive your Application and Contract for Exhibit Space and payment (either by check or credit card), we will send you an Exhibitor Confirmation Form listing your booth number, and Brede Exposition Services will send you an Exhibitor Service Manual containing important information about the conference. Be sure to read all information in the Exhibitor Service Manual carefully and contact Brede for any services you will require.
If you have other questions regarding exhibits, contact Juliana Tapper and Joe Bolz at cctmexhibitschair@gmail.com for more information.
Your support of our conference program is deeply appreciated. We look forward to working with you this August.
Juliana Tapper and Joe Bolz
2019 CCTM Conference Exhibits Co-Chairs