Write for the Colorado Mathematics Teacher

What is the Format for CMT Articles?

CMT articles should be between 800-1200 words, including titles, tables, figures, and references. Authors should write for a broad audience of people invested in mathematics education (in Colorado, and even beyond).

Wondering what a completed CMT article looks like? Here is an example:

Adapting an instructional routine: Stronger and clearer each time

What is the Submission Process?

Submitting an article to the CMT starts with a proposal.

Send proposals to this email address: cmt (at) cctmath (dot) org

In your proposal, include the following:

  1. Subject line: CMT: Title of Your Proposed Article

  2. What’s your article about? A short paragraph summarizing the main points of your article.

  3. How will your article flow? An outline of main sections of your article.

  4. What’s your key message? A statement of your article’s key message for readers.

  5. What’s your role? A few sentences about your role in mathematics education.

  6. What’s your writing experience? References (or links) for up to three recent publications (or presentations). [We welcome first time writers. If you haven’t published or presented yet, do not let that keep you from submitting.]

  7. Commercial Interest statement: A statement disclosing any commercial interests that you have in products described in the article proposal.

  8. Article statement: A statement describing any portions of the planned article that appear elsewhere. (Or a statement indicating that no portions of the planned article appear elsewhere.)

What Happens after Submission?

The CMT editorial team will review your proposal. After your proposal is reviewed, a member of the CMT editorial team will contact you. The review process typically takes a few weeks, sometimes longer.

If your proposal is accepted, the CMT editorial team will ask for you to send a complete draft of your article. After submitting your draft, there likely will be one or more rounds of required revisions. If revisions are required, a member of the editorial team will work with you along the way.

If your proposal is rejected, know that the CMT editorial team carefully reviewed your proposal. The CMT editorial team cannot provide in-depth feedback for all proposals received. If your proposal is not accepted, the CMT editorial team encourages you to send another proposal.

Inspiration for the CMT submission process came from Edutopia.org.

What Are Authors’ Ethical Responsibilities?

The CMT editorial team expects that authors uphold the integrity of the CMT journal. Authors should submit only new contributions that have not been published elsewhere. If authors report data, they should not misrepresent, fabricate, or manipulate data for their own purposes. Authors should not plagiarize others’ work. When authors draw on others’ research or ideas, they should provide references and/or acknowledgments to give appropriate credit.

Copyright and Licensing

Authors retain copyright of articles published in Colorado Mathematics Teacher. By agreeing to be published in CMT, authors license their article to CMT and CCTM using a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC-BY-NC) license. This allows CMT, CCTM, and others to reuse the work without permission as long as the work is properly referenced and the use is noncommercial. Any other use requires the permission of the author(s), or, if the rights have been transferred, the current copyright holder. Authors may also use a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license upon request.


Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from copyright holders for reproducing any illustration, tables, figures, or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere. If authors are using their own work, they will still be required to obtain permission if they did not retain copyright of the previously published work. Submissions will not be accepted for publication without the correct permissions.