CCTM is so happy to have Lisa Bejarano at this year's conference. So happy, in fact, that we're keeping her busy almost all day long with a featured presentation, time in the learning lounge, and a couple additional sessions. Don't miss her -- register for the conference today!
As a 14-year teacher with all the hard work that goes with it, Lisa Bejarano is enjoying the fruits of that labor -- she's National Board Certified, a PAEMST awardee, and was recently named as one of 20 Colorado educators to serve on the CDE Commissioner's Teacher Cabinet. Still, she she keeps her focus on her students at Aspen Valley HS, an alternative high school in Academy District 20, where she teaches Geometry, Precalculus, and AP Computer Science. Lisa enjoys encouraging and facilitating mathematical discourse and collaboration among her students, and she does that with a problem- and inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning. If you want to know more about Lisa's approach to teaching, you can read her recent interview with Chalkbeat. Better yet, come to CCTM and talk to her yourself. She's excited to present multiple sessions at CCTM this year so there's no reason to miss her. But if you do, you can still find Lisa on the internet where she tweets as @lisabej_manitou and blogs at