Full Conference Program Available!


The full program for this year's CCTM Annual Conference has been posted! In addition to Andrew Stadel's keynote and the closing session, the schedule on Friday, August 3 includes five hours' worth of presentations and workshops prepared by teachers, vendors, math specialists, and others who will travel from across the state and the country.

The morning program includes:

  • NCTM President Dr. Robert Berry, who will talk about NCTM's new publication, Catalyzing Change
  • Back-to-back sessions by University of Denver elementary math ed superstars, Douglas Clements and Julie Sarama
  • A session by Tom Reardon focused on using technology to model opioid deaths
  • Sharing strategies to engage families and the community, presented by our workshop leader Dr. Julia Aguirre
  • Multiple sessions by presenters from PEBC, including a double-length session focused on intuition in problem solving

The afternoon program includes:

  • Engaging students with Rubik's Cubes, led by Dan Van der Vieren
  • Erin-Rose Schneider and Kim Bunning of East Grand sharing about Algebra Tiles
  • A look at the latest math sims from CU Boulder's PhET project
  • Using language routines to support all learners, led by CCTM President Joanie Funderburk

In addition, there will be a total of four sessions focused on Colorado's recently revised academic standards for mathematics, each tailored to a particular grade band. Take a moment to read the session descriptions for yourself and take some notes - there will be plenty to see on August 3, so register now!

Are You Ready? The Conference is Just a Couple Weeks Away!

Back-to-school time is right around the corner! Start your school year right by joining hundreds of other teachers of mathematics at the 2018 CCTM Annual Conference, held this year on August 2-3 at the University of Denver. If you haven't yet registered, there's still time!


Volunteer at the Conference!

CCTM is an all-volunteer organization and we always need a little extra help at conference time. If you would like to volunteer, there is a sign-up form at SignUp.com where you can look over the different opportunities. This could be a great way to meet a featured speaker, offer some help in the hospitality room, or hand out prizes.

Conference Hotel

If you haven't yet made your accommodations for this year's CCTM Conference, you have until tomorrow, July 18th to make reservations at our partner hotel, the Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center. Rooms can be had for $159/night and they include wifi, parking, and breakfast for two. To make your reservation, please call the hotel at 1-866-698-6656 and ask for the Colorado Council for Teachers of Mathematics group rate.

Last Day to Save! Early Registration Discounts End June 1

Have you registered yet for the 2018 CCTM Annual Conference, coming up this August 2-3 at the University of Denver? If your answer is no, then rush to our conference registration page to get a discount before the prices go up on June 2. Right now it is only $40 to register for Thursday's workshop with Julia Aguirre and only $99 to register for Friday's conference.

While you are making your conference plans, be sure to check out the Summer Leadership Academy from NCSM, the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics. This year the Academy will take a close look at building mathematics leadership through coaching. NCSM's Summer Leadership Academy will be held in the Denver Tech Center from July 30 through August 1, immediately preceeding the days of the CCTM conference. It's a great time to take advantage of two great math conferences in one week!