2017 Preconference Workshops and Awards Reception

Day 1 of the CCTM Annual Conference features two workshops for more in-depth professional learning. The first workshop is aimed at leaders, and the second workshop is designed for teachers, and we hope many members find value in attending both. Following the conferences will be an awards reception honoring both CCTM awardees and our newest PAEMST state finalists.

Registration for each workshop will happen at the Driscoll Gallery.


1:30-3:30 Leader Workshop

Who's Doing the Work? Helping Teachers Shift the Lift

Teaching and learning math requires deep thinking and cognitive engagement. Oftentimes well-meaning teachers employ practices that take the cognitive lift out of students' hands. In this session, we will consider tools for helping teachers identify when and how they might be creating this unintended outcomes, as well as a variety of resources that can be used to help teachers effectively shift the cognitive lift back to their students. This shift can result in an increase in authentic student engagement with the content, deeper understanding of mathematics, and improved student outcomes. If you support math teachers as an administrator, instructional coach, or math specialist, this session is for you!

Joanie Funderburk
President, Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Driscoll Gallery


4:00-6:00 Teacher Workshop

Promoting Rough Draft Thinking to Engage Students in Mathematics Classroom Discourse

We will explore how incorporating the idea of “rough draft thinking” into mathematics classroom discourse supports shifting the classroom culture toward learning and away from performing or competing. Promoting rough draft talk can reduce social risk for students and amplifies the power of learning through ideas that students share while they are still in progress. Participants will experience strategies for promoting rough draft thinking, such as strategies for norm setting and a routine for engaging in reasoning that promotes sharing of rough draft ideas. Additionally, we will collectively brainstorm ways to address classroom dilemmas related to engaging students in rough draft thinking.

Amanda Jansen
Professor of Mathematics Education, University of Delaware

Driscoll Gallery

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6:30-8:00 Awards Reception

We welcome conference attendees to join us for CCTM's annual awards reception, where we recognize excellent teaching by honoring teachers with awards from CCTM. Colorado's 2017 PAEMST state finalists will also be honored.

Ruffatto Hall Commons